An example of working with formulas and labels in the constructor
Task example: create a report using the report builder, which will show the time of the object under load, idle time and total work time.
In this case, there are two sensors, the ignition sensor, which determines the idle time and the on-off sensor of special equipment, which determines the time in operation.

Let's create labels for both sensors so that we can later use them in the constructor.

In the constructor, create a summary table and create the following fields:
An object
• data type - vehicle;
• groups of sensors - no;
• total function - no;
• field uid - obj (you can do anything);
• formula - no;
• formatting function - no.
• data type - equipment operation;
• groups of sensors - ignition;
• total function - no;
• field uid - stay (you can do anything);
• formula - no;
• formatting function - duration (H:m:s).
Work under load
• data type - equipment operation;
• sensor groups - sensor operation;
• total function - no;
• field uid - work (you can do anything);
• formula - no;
• formatting function - duration (H:m:s).
Duration of work
• data type - formula;
• groups of sensors - no;
• total function - no;
• field uid - dur (you can do anything);
• formula - =%work%+%stay% (in this case we use the field uid of work under load and idle in the format %field uid%);
• formatting function - duration (H:m:s).