Daily Vehicle Report

This report is available only when the time control module is connected, in which the work schedule of the monitored object is set.
The report contains:
Date - the period of time for which the report table was built.
- the number of the vehicle in the table.
Vehicle - the name of the vehicle.
Total driven KM - the distance passed for the specified period of time.
Travel time - the time when the object was in motion.
Distance driven after duty - the distance covered during non-working hours.
Over speed violations - the number of speeding violations for the specified period of time (it is counted only when the speeding violations control module is enabled).
Distance driven out geozone - the distance traveled outside the created geofences (it is calculated only when the Geofences module is connected).
Time spent  outside - the time when the object was in motion outside the created geofences.
Petrol consumed - fuel consumption for the specified period (only available when the fuel sensor is installed)
Petrol consumed (norm) - fuel consumption according to the specified rate.
Total time during working hours - the length of time when the object did not move during working hours.
If necessary, you can disable certain parts of the report by clicking on the icon, when pressed, a menu opens where you can disable / enable certain fields.