User Manual
Version 7.5


Etisalat SIM is SIM cards and related services provided by Etisalat, one of the largest telecommunications operators in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Jasper Platform, M2M SIM card control and management platform. Allows you to use various settings and get a full history of connections between equipment in real time. Data is provided both digitally and graphically. This is a single control center, accessible remotely and at any convenient time.
Recall that M2M (machine-to-machine) is a solution designed to ensure wireless data exchange between various devices (ATMs, terminals, security systems, sensors, etc.) and a single control center.
Please configure to display this SIM card
In order to set up the integration, you need to enter the setting in the partner form in the configuration.
 Etisalat SMS Provider  =  {"username": "xxxxxx","api_key": "72e4b70e-0429-44fb-9d9a-63a1xxxxxxx","account_id": "100031xxxx"}
Go to the SIM cards section to manage SIM cards.
SIM card management window.
All information that can be obtained from a SIM card.
List of actions:
Go to the car.
Managing SIM card status.
You can double-click to change the SIM card status.
username - login to etisalat admin
api_key - generated here
account_id - this is the account id in etisalat see here
Send SMS
You can send SMS of size < 320 characters.
Set the limit type.
DEFAULT. The device cannot exceed the data limit.
TEMPORARY_OVERRIDE. The device can use any amount of data until the end of the current billing cycle, after which the Control Center begins to enforce the data limit set in the rate plan.
PERMANENT_OVERRIDE. The device can use any amount of data, regardless of the data limit defined in the rate plan.
For additional information on these settings, please contact technical support.