User Manual
Version 7.5

Fleet ECO report

The report is designed to display data on the current and previous Eco Driving Rating.
The report contains:
Vehicle -  is the object of monitoring in the system;
Excess idle - the time of non-operation of the facility exceeds the established values;
Over Speed - violation of established speed limits on roads;
Harsh Brake - refers to a driving style that involves gentle acceleration and braking to reduce fuel consumption and reduce emissions.
Harsh Acceleration - refers to a driving style that includes smooth acceleration and braking to reduce fuel consumption and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.
Distance - mileage of the monitoring object during the specified trip in km;
Duration - time of violation for the selected period.
Current rating - an indicator that reflects achievements over a certain period based on recent driving activity.
Previous Rating- is an indicator that reflects achievements over a certain period based on recent driving activity.