Geozones Report


The report on geographical zones (1) is designed to display data in the form of a table indicating the name of the object, mileage, time, message about arrival or departure from a certain zone and the duration of stay in the zone at a specified point in time.


  The report contains:

Vehicle -is a monitoring object for which a table with idle times is generated.

Mileage - distance traveled at a specified point in time.

Start - the start time of the event in the geofence.

Stop - end time of the event in the geofence.

Geofence - the name of the geofence.

Duration - the period of time spent in the geofence.

Driver - the name of the driver to the associated object in the system.

If necessary, you can disable certain parts of the report by clicking on the icon, when pressed, a menu opens where you can disable / enable certain fields.