User Manual
Version 7.5

Getting a link to track an object

cmd : get_temp_link
imei : object identifier in the system
startgeo : Geofence for activating the link
stopgeo : Geofence for deactivating the link
max_duration : time in minutes during which, regardless of visiting geofences, the logic will work. Default is 24 hours.
Example request :
http://<url>/api/api.php?cmd=get_temp_link&imei=356307045913463&startgeo=Rostov test API&stopgeo=Rostov exit test API&max_duration=800
http://<url>/monitor_token.php?token=1f87a19c068ad47f3f769dc151527794&lang=en&zoom=10&startgeo=Rostov test API&stopgeo=Rostov exit test API