Implementation of road maintenance work

This report belongs to the Routes module.
After linking the object to the route, build a report on Execution of road maintenance work.
A recalculation is provided for this report.
If the route is configured and linked to an object and it is further indicated that the report is empty, it will need to be recalculated.
If the recalculation through the interface does not recalculate and the recalculation resets, you should contact the support service for a recalculation.
  The report contains:
Vehicle name - object in the system;
Vehicle type - vehicle type in the system;
Time start - date and time of start of work;
Time End - date and time of completion of work;
Route name - route name;
Route length - route length;
Mileage (working cycle), km - duty cycle is a parameter that shows how long the machine can work without a break in km.
Area (Duty Cycle) ㎡ - the total area that is processed during one working cycle of the machine.
Mileage (Idle cycle) km - the distance in km that the car travels without a load.
Mileage on other roads km - mileage on other roads.