Journey detail

The report contains detailed trip data over a specified period of time.
The report contains:
GPS date/time - date and time of the trip for the reporting period;
Speed - speed of movement;
Direction - direction;
Distance - distance traveled during the reporting period;
Travel time - time in motion for the reporting period;
Latitude - a system of geographic coordinates that is used to determine position;
Longitude -is a system of geographic coordinates that is used to determine position;
Place - the starting point of the trip;
Status - type of action;
Geofence - geofence of the trip for the reporting period;
GPRS data/ time - date and time of data received for the reporting period;
Temperature - temperature sensor value for the reporting period;
Humidity sensor - the value of the humidity sensor for the reporting period;
Battery - charging indicator;
Door - condition type.
If necessary, you can disable certain parts of the report by clicking on the icon , when pressed, a menu opens where you can disable / enable certain fields.