KML/KMZ is designed to provide the ability to load geodetic data from a KML/KMZ file
(labels, lines, polygons and images) into the system. Labels are loaded as an additional layer.
Manually editing the text file in accordance with the KML/KMZ format.
Using special utilities, such as Google Earth.
After the KML/KMZ file is created, it must be loaded into the system.
To download KML/KMZ you need:
1. Select the data download type "URL" or "File".
The "URL" type must be used if the downloaded data is located at a specific address on the Internet. Type "File" if the data is located on the user's local computer.
2. Depending on the selected type of data download, fill in the “Link to KML/KMZ” field (if the type is “URL”) with the appropriate link. In the "File" field, select a file from the user's computer.