User Manual
Version 7.5


List of objects with retransmission.
• ID - record number in the list.
• Agent id - unique number in the system.
• host - host address for data retransmission via the specified protocol (as an IP address or domain name).
• Port - port to which data is retransmitted via the specified protocol.
• Format - retransmission format (select from the drop-down list).
• Ext id - retransmission identifier of one monitoring object (usually the imei block is used).
• Last id - identifier.
• Path - when using a domain name, this field contains additional parameters.
• USPW - if identification is required, this field will contain the username and password.
• Testing - retransmission status.
• Time zone - specifies the time zone in GMT format.
• Comment - additional information about retransmission.
• Enabled - current status.
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