User Manual
Version 7.5

Summary Business Private Report

A summary business report is designed to display information on personal and business trips.


The report contains:

Group - driver group in the system;

Object - monitoring object in the system;

Driver - the driver assigned to the monitoring object during the specified trip.

Total trips - the number of trips for the specified period;

Business trips - the number of business trips for the specified period;

Private trips - the number of private trips for the specified period;

Total distance - mileage per trip;

Distance for business trips - mileage for business trips for the specified period;

Distance for private trips - mileage for private trips for the specified period;

Total duration - total duration of the trip;

Duration of business trip - duration of business trip;

Travel Duration for Personal Travel - Duration of private travel.

If necessary, you can disable certain parts of the report by clicking on the icon, when pressed, a menu opens where you can disable / enable certain fields.