Summary Equipment Report
The equipment summary report is designed to display a table containing data on the quantitative indicators of the operation of special equipment with installed sensors for the bucket, boom, and other equipment.
This report contains:
Object - monitoring object for which data is displayed in the report.
Vehicle number - monitoring object for which the data is displayed in the report.
Date - the date for which the data is displayed in the report.
Work time (Ignition sensor) - the time of operation of the monitoring object (the time when the ignition sensor was in the "on" position).
Idling - operation time of the monitored object when the special sensor was in the "off" position.
Under load - monitoring object operation time when the special sensor was in the "on" position.
Downtime - time during the working day (for this report, the working day = 13 hours) when the monitoring object was not working (the time when the ignition sensor was in the "off" position).
Actions Number - the number of actions that this sensor has performed (bucket flexion/extension, etc.).
Fuel consumption - the amount of fuel consumed by the monitored object during the day.
Distance - mileage of the monitored object passed during the day.