Telegram bot

Find the bot @skyelectronics_bot in Telegram.
List of chats
@skyelectronics_bot ( - for Floid and Blade.
@PilotAfricaBot ( )- for Africa
@ksa_pilot_bot ( for KSA
@pilot2285_bot - for Qlick - Queen server
1. In the chat with the bot, enter the command "/register".
2. After which the bot will prompt you to enter your login and password from the Pilot system.
You can send the bot the command "/vehicles", to which it returns a list of cars.
3. When you click on a car, information about it and its position on the map are displayed.
The bot will send notifications if this setting is activated.
To disable the bot, you must enter the command "/unregister".
Create a channel, use the link
  •  Click start and go to the menu
    • Select create bot.
    • Think of and specify a name.
Next, give the user a name. The name must end with _bot
After the channel is added and the congratulations are sent, below in the text you will see a token, which must be sent to the technical support service along with the user_name to be added to the database. The contract in the system must be active.