User Manual
Version 7.5

Vehicle Score Card #2

The report is designed to display your driving rating as a percentage.
The report contains:
Driver - the driver assigned to this facility;
No trips - number of trips;
Distance - mileage value in km on the specified date;
Number of speed violations - the number of speed violations for the specified date;
Over Speeding  - the time the driver exceeded the speed limit for the specified date;
Percentage of speed - speeding by the driver as a percentage;
Max. speed - maximum speed recorded during the trip;
Avg. speed - average speed recorded during the trip;
Excess idle - value indicating that the duration of downtime has been exceeded;
Harsh Brake - the number of sharp accelerations;
Harsh Acceleration - the number of sharp accelerations;
Rating - rating based on the sum of sharp turns, braking and acceleration as a percentage;
Group rating - rating based on the sum of sharp turns, braking and acceleration as a percentage;