User Manual
Version 7.6

Commands module

Admin panel settings
1. Add module to account
2. Configure sms gateway. Currently smsgateway24 is supported.
You need device ID and token from smsgateway24 subscription:
Fill this parameters in module configuration section:
Configuring templates
To configure the templates:
1. Click on the configuration button, located on the right side
2.Open the "commands" tab
3.Click on the "+" symbol, then this window will open, allowing us to edit or add a new command:
In this window, we can add a new command, edit the text of the message, select for which vehicles the message will be sent in the left panel.
1. By clicking on the "send" button, the system will send the message that we have previously written to the vehicles selected in the left panel
2. The "save template" option will allow us to save the template, which will make it easier for us to send this command in the future without re-entering the data.
When selecting this option, the system will ask us to assign a name to our new template.
Only administrator can generate templates and assign rights to them to a user and that each template is created for only one type of device. Templates should be created for each type of device. In the tree, devices are grouped by type:
How to load a previously created template?
1. You need to select the devices
2. The desired template is chosen.
3. lick on "load template"
How to delete a command? (available only to the administrator)
In the list on the left we can find the list of templates created previously, it is enough to click on the icon to delete an unwanted command.
How to delete a template? (available only to the administrator).
After the devices are selected, in "templates" it will show us the existing templates, there we can delete by clicking on the icon:
User rights on templates
To configure user rights on the templates it is necessary:
1. In settings, select the button "staff and groups" and select the user to whom we will configure the rights.
2. The "user editing" window will open and we will go to the "commands" option, there we can find the templates and select which templates this user will have the right to:
Option “Send command”
With a left click on the vehicle we can find the option "send command" which will allow us to see the history of sent messages, and besides that, forward messages.