User Manual
Version 7.5

Fluids Consumption Report

The fluid consumption report presents information in the form of a chart that displays the amount of fluid consumed at a specified point in time. When you hover your mouse over a column, additional information about the expense pops up. Designed for pulse encoders only.
The report contains:
Object - the monitoring object for which the diagram is being built.
Date - the time period for which the chart is being built.
Mileage, km - mileage of the monitored object for the specified date.
Total consumption, l - the amount of fuel consumed for the specified date.
Consumption, l/100 km (sensor/norm) - the amount of fuel consumed per 100 km of run according to the sensor readings (calculated as (Consumption * 100 km)/Mileage) / the amount of fuel consumed per 100 km of run according to the established norm (the norm is set in fuel tab).
Idling consumption - the amount of fuel consumed in the absence of speed at the monitored object.
Consumption by engine hours, l/h - the amount of fuel consumed per engine hour, calculated as Total consumption/Motor hours.