Geozone module

  •  Go to the Zones tab.
  •  Add a group and then add and draw the zone on the map.
  •  Select a color.
    • Save.
5.8.9. Geozone module

Add zone

1. Add zone
There are three options for creating zones.
For a polyline zone, the maximum width value can be from 10 to 100 meters.
Polygonal zone:
• Left-click to mark the vertices of the polygon.
• Save and specify the name of the zone.
• On the map display panel, hold down the left mouse button and drag to the side until a circle of the desired radius is formed.
• You can change the radius of the zone by dragging one of the four circles on the perimeter of the circle.
• Move the zone - drag the center.
• Mark a segment on the map.
• Specify the name.
Mass delete zones from the list
• Use Ctrl to select several zones and the right menu "Delete".

Color and font of the zone on the map

2. Color and font of the zone on the map
 You can change the color of the zone name - from the drop-down color palette.
Change the font of the zone name. For example, make it bolder or normal.


3. Filter
Search filter by name

Zone type

4. Zone type
Type Type of zone to display in mobile app
Penalty Penalty for end rent in this zone or for crossing operating area border
Idle Linit (min) Maximum idle time in zone
Rent office Rental office zone
Operating area Zone beyond which travel is not allowed
Assigning a geozone to an object
• Open the zone settings.
• Check the boxes for the required objects that should be linked to the specified geozone.
• Set other important parameters for the object to visit the zone (idle time control, speed control).
Geofences in object properties
If necessary, set up control of object downtime in the zone, set the time in minutes after which being in the zone will be considered downtime. Downtime data can be viewed in the idle report and in the summary report.
Working geozone
This is a specific area within which vehicles must operate or perform certain functions.
Restricted geozone
This is a specific area in which vehicles are prohibited from being or performing certain actions. For example, restrictions may be related to a ban on access to private territories, military facilities, or an unsafe area for objects.
Idle time control
The value after which being in the zone will be considered idle. Specified in minutes.
Value 0 - do not take into account idle time in this zone (default value).
Speed  limit
Set the speed in the zone
Alert type
• Idle in zone - the alert will be sent after the time specified in the "Idle time control" field has expired;
• Border crossing - the alert will be sent when the border of the geographic zone is crossed;
• Idle in zone and border crossing - the alert will be sent when the border crossing and idle time control conditions are met.
• Go to notifications.
• Select the required zones.
Actions available to users of the system. For example, administrators may have full access to all system functions, while users may only have access to certain functions according to their roles.
• Go to Staff and Groups.
• Set rights.
To add zones.
Upload and download files in KML format, use the export and import zones buttons.
Do this in folders.
Reports for this module are in the Reports section.