User Manual
Version 7.5


Webhook is a mechanism for notifying the system about events.
When an event occurs that generates)., Webhook requests a website address with parameters, for example , and passes a JSON POST request in the body.
To activate this type of notification, you must specify a valid URL, and this URL must always have the 200 http code in the request.
Otherwise, the URL will be in the distant list for several minutes.
Example of data in the POST body: {"agent_id": 4328, "ts": 1545254055, "data": ["У286НМ 67", "Parkingdur", "2", "1", "мм"]} The set of data depends on the message notification.
In the webhook, you can get the sensor value and the parameter value.
To get the sensor value, use %<Name>%.
For example, %Battery% - will return the Battery sensor value at the time the webhook is called.
You can also get the parameter value - this is %<parameter>%
%Valid% - will return the Valid parameter value.
The entries in the body can be changed or supplemented with data from the "Alowed placeholders" column, but you must follow the syntax as specified in the default example, otherwise the webhook will not work: "value": "%VALUE%"